Hotels you must see around Windsor.

Let us help you find a day out as you relax on this easy drive today.

Start your day out at Windsor

Set your SatNav to  SL4 1QT
River Street, Windsor.
This will take you directly to a handy car park by the river.

What to see at Windsor.

To be honest with you, we found Windsor to be rather a dirty, untidy and run down little place, very disappointing, when you consider the visitors it attracts because of the castle, but typical of all councils today, there is no pride left in looking after places.

Use the river Sreet carpark    SL4 1QT

This is a FREE disabled parking spot, just three disabled bays available, but you may also park in other bays in this carpark. PHOTO 1 the carpark looks over towards the castle, and is very close to the river Thames, a nice spot to spend a few minutes, before you make the uphill effort towards the castle. Just follow Thames Street around the bend to the right, and you will soon reach a few shops, and eating places.

Mind you, after leaving Windsor, we will be taking you to a pleasant hotel on the banks of the River Thames, and we suggest you just wander along through Windsor, so at least you can say “been there, done that” 

Click on our photos to read what to do on your visit to Windsor.


 Read more about Windsor on our review in Euan’s guide
When you get on this site, in the search button box, type in
then read “Disabled Traveller” review. But others are good also.

Set your SatNav now for  
Windsor Road, Egham,
TW20 0AG

The route will take you to see Runnymede 

This is were the Magna Carta was signed by King John.

Signing of the Magna Carta    

Introducing you to the site of the famous signing of one of the countries most important chapters drawn up between King John of England, and many of his Barons who were landowners that leased land that were known as Manors.

After leaving Windsor, follow the A308 
for about  3 1/2 Miles,  10 minutes.

As you arrive at Runnymede you will see on your right a car park with TWO PILLARS ahead of you. ( A charge ) 

No need to stop here, just drive on ahead between the pillers.
a placard on the piller shows you that the Magna Carta was signed here at Runnymede. Continue to drive on, passing the meadow to your right, and it was up in the hills that a few monuments stand, including the spot of the museum building. ( Unseen by road )
There is a car park half way along, to your left alongside the River Thames, with a nice level walk if you would like to try it. ( parking charge made ).
However, we suggest you drive on to reach the Hotel on the left, and visit this hotel.

King John signed the charter on 15th June 1215.

During the late eleven hundreds the King was heavily involved in wars against France, and he was extorting money from his land owning Barons, by setting high amounts of Tax on them, and even seizing estates to get the money needed to fight.

The Barons in turn became very oppressive in the way they then collected taxes from the people of England. Being members of the Aristocracy they were very wealthy, and determined to hang on to their wealth, gained from the land they leased known as Manors. Sadly this was a time of the greedy fighting the greedy, with the common man suffering because of it all.

King John and his Barons had no intention of keeping to this charter of the Magna Carta that they had signed, and it did not even last for a year, before it was done away with, and over the next few years, other charters were signed and then changed. All this resulted in the first Barons war of 1215-1217, causing a civil war in England. The Barons then put through all these charters to reduce the Kings power, and yet, it is still claimed that this Magna Carta led to the modern way of dealing with the rights of the Rich and the poor.

Today, not one of the charters decisions remain in use.

HOTEL for a coffee break

Satnav directions

Windsor road, Egham, TW20 0AG


Enjoy a break

An ideal morning coffee visit

A very nice relaxing hotel when you need a drink, that overlooks the river Thames. You arrive just off the A308 and drive through the barriers. No need to register the car numbers at reception as the barrier will lift for you when you depart. 

It’s a busy hotel, so parking may be a little difficult, but then you can walk along a decent pathway up to the hotel.

Do enjoy a few minutes peace and quite.

We suggest you depart at 1.00pm.

We now invite you to join us on our highlights of this trip

A visit to TWO top 5 Star delightful Hotels around Windsor 





Set your SatNav to Coworth Park, Ascot,  SL5 7SE

Investigate and Enjoy a day out at 5* Coworth Park.

We suggest you now read our reviews on Euan’s Guide

When you are on this website of Euan’s guide, in search button, type in “Coworth Park”
and then read the help offered by “Disabled Traveller”
There are three reviews, so read from the bottom one upwards.

Coworth Park is on the Ascot estate, and is regarded as one of the top London Hotels to visit, where Kings and Queens have been entertained, yet all of us will be made so welcomed, so do try to go and look around this delightful and beautiful hotel.

During 2001, the hotel was bought by the Dorchester Collection and opened in April 2001, before undergoing an extensive  refurbishment programme that finally reopened in September 2010, attended by Prince Azimuth of Brunei.

We regard this an absolutely outstanding hotel, and we feel you will love this luxurious mansion on the Ascot estate.

If all goes well health wise, we hope to celebrate our 62 wedding anniversary here in November 2024, and will of course send you our review after this visit.

DO READ our notes on Euan’s guide for a full review of our previous visit, and we hope our historical notes will be found to be very interesting. Well worth reading even if you know you may never be able to go and visit the hotel itself.

A coffee break here will be most welcomed, and more than likely a good cup of tea will be served in silverware, it’s a treat, so enjoy the experience. 

Then take a walk around the estate, you will enjoy that, and as you depart, drive around the estate on a circular pleasant drive

For more advice and encouragement, click below for their own website details.


Now for our second recommended 5* visit, to

This is still one of our favourite hotels, a very pleasant delightful 5* visit you must experience when you can.

Set your SatNav to, Pennyhill Park, Bagshot, GU19 5EU.

Come and see why this is a must go and visit hotel, a truly delightful experience, where you will be made to feel so welcomed, and one of the best Spa and health clubs we have yet encountered.

A pleasant driveway passing well laid out meadow like parkland leads the way to the car park, but disabled travellers should drive under the wooden roofed archway ahead, go under the next arch and right up to the main entrance to park here.

Delightful hotel, dining here is a must, either for lunch, afternoon tea, or dinner later tonight, but an experience to enjoy.

For lunch, try their Hillfields restaurant and bar, a more relaxing casual experience, either sitting in the bar area, or the restaurant itself.

In the evening, then the 5* Michelin Latimer restaurant will appeal, serving produce from the Pennyhill estate or from nearby Surrey producers, it will please you we can assure.

Do take a look at all the photos we have for you, it will heighten your anticipation 

Arrive today
Underneath the arches.

Arriving at Pennyhill Park is an experience you will remember, 

Then it’s underneath the arches.             To arrive at the main entrance.

There’s always time for a G&T

or a afternoon brandy & 
ginger ale.

The Spa and health club

Dine tonight

At Hillfields restaurant.

Enter into the bar lounge, and settle down to enjoy a pre-dinner Tio Pepe.

Then you will be invited to take your seat in the spacious and beautifully light and airy restaurant. Soon our first course arrived, Trout at its best, rare, and served with a delightful garlic cream dressing.

For our second course we chose a light and perfect Carbonara, served with creamed potatoe and greens.

The deserts were a most enjoyable trifle, with a delicate fresh light cream.

Dinning here is a delightful experience, ending with a cocktail made with the care it deserved.



Book in for your overnight stay

Breakfast after a most comfortable rest, now called us.

The beautiful gardens

Our last look around Pennyhill Park grounds.

Enchanting well maintained gardens await your stroll today with plenty of seating areas overlooking well kept lawns and the garden terrace, with level pathways leading you on to see more interesting views towards the woodland areas.

Even on a cold damp morning the walk is well worth you taking, as it will give you a feeling of utter contentment and at peace with the world.

A lovely way to end your visit at Pennyhill Park.

But now it is time to depart, and plan for your next visit here


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